Annual Meeting
The annual meeting of the Regular & Junior members of The Club shall be held at the Clubhouse on the first Tuesday in February of each year. The purpose of such meeting is electing Directors & the transaction of such other business as may come before the meeting.
Elections/Term of Office
At the annual election four (4) members are elected Directors & shall serve for a term of three (3) years, commencing on the first day of April each year following such election. No Director shall serve on The Board for more than six (6) consecutive years.
Meet the Board of Directors

Sean Paul
The President shall be the principal executive officer of The Club & shall, in general, supervise all business areas of The Club.

Adam Braverman
The Treasurer shall report on all dues & monies belonging to the Club; & keep a regular account of all monies received & paid out by furnishing statements at the regular monthly Board Meetings.

Casey Mankin
The Pool Committee shall work with the GM & the Pool Manager to oversee the development & enforcement of the pool, operation & maintenance.

Ken Norton
Pool & House
The Golf Committee shall enforce the rules of etiquette & play on the golf course; have general supervision over the Golf Professional & his Assistants, the operation of the Golf Shop & shall supervise tournaments schedules by all.

Gary McMullin
Vice President
Capital Planning & Maintenance
The Vice President shall, in the absence of the President, perform the duties of the President &, when so acting, shall have all the power of, & be subject to all the restrictions upon, the President.
Boone Kroenke
Social & Capital Planning and Maintenance
The Capital Planning & Maintenance Committee shall devote its time & attention to future improvements for the good of The Club. This committee shall annually make a written report to The Board preceding the annual meeting of the membership.

Ben Jackson
Membership & Capital Planning and Maintenance
The Membership Committee shall work with the GM to recruit, retain, reinstate & monitor the status of the members of The Club.

Andy Fowler
Greens & Grounds
The Greens & Grounds Committee shall enforce the ground rules & provide protection against trespassers on Club property. It shall have general supervision of the use of & maintenance of the grounds.

Christy Goodman
Golf & Membership
The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all meetings of Regular & Junior Members of The Board in books provided by The Club for such purpose.

Brad Anders
The House Committee shall enforce the house rules & shall have supervision & control over matters pertaining to the service and comfort of members within the Clubhouse: shall have charge of the operations, care & maintenance of the Clubhouse & shall manage the catering department & all its branches.

Rochelle Hockett
The Social Committee shall schedule & arrange for social events for the upcoming year & shall have support from all other committees to facilitate such activities & events.

Jeff Lowman
Greens & Grounds
The Greens & Grounds Committee shall enforce the ground rules & provide protection against trespassers on Club property. It shall have general supervision of the use of & maintenance of the grounds.